Buy ThinkGeek Physical Gift Cards


ThinkGeek Physical Gift Card


( $10 to $500 )

Use Online

Use In-Store

Instant Delivery

Secure Payment

ThinkGeek is the premier retailer for the global geek community featuring exclusive and unique video game and pop culture products. ThinkGeek offers a hand-curated assortment of 5,000+ of the geekiest gadgets, electronics, toys, collectibles, housewares, apparel, and accessories available anywhere in the world. The ThinkGeek mission is to create a world where everyone can embrace their inner geek and connect with one another. This card expires on 01/01/2035.

Redemption Instructions

  • Online Redemption Instructions
  • 1. Shop at either or online.
  • 2. At checkout, use the following code just like you would a regular Gift Card:
  • Card Number: 0000-0000-0000-0000-000
  • PIN: 0000
  • In-Store Redemption Instructions
  • Cashier:
  • 1. Ring up item in sales screen
  • 2. Press F12 to total out sale
  • 3. Select F3 for gift card
  • 4. Select Enter
  • 5. Press F8 for manual entry
  • 6. Scan barcode, if not scanning please enter human readable 19 digit number starting 636491 or 600649 etc.
  • 7. Press F12
  • 8. Type in Pin number in area prompted
  • 9. Sale complete
  • Terms & Conditions

    This gift card is redeemable only for the purchase of merchandise only in the U.S. at GameStop, ThinkGeek, EB Games, Babbage’s, and Planet X stores and online at Card does not expire or impose any fees. Except where required by law, it may not be returned, redeemed for cash, or applied as payment on any account, and will not be replaced if lost or stolen. Not responsible for unauthorized use. This card is not a credit card or a debit card and carries no warranties, express or implied. This card is issued by and represents solely the obligation of Marketing Control Services, Inc. (a Virginia corporation), which reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. Use or acceptance of this card constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. To obtain your card balance, visit or call 1-888-818-2915.

    Purchases of gift cards never count towards promotional totals (e.g. $10 off of $30). In order to take advantage of those promotions, customers must buy merchandise. Purchases of gift cards do not accrue PowerUp Rewards Points.

    GameStop is a family of preferred destinations for gaming, collectibles and consumer electronics.  

    To find a store near you visit 

    Why buy ThinkGeek Physical Gift Cards with SVS?

    ThinkGeek Physical Gift Cards are ideal presents for friends, family, and colleagues. It's the perfect last-minute online gift for birthdays, holidays, graduations, weddings, milestones and more. With eGifter you can effortlessly send a personalized, thoughtful gift card either by email, text or printed at home. Don't worry about loosing a gift card, all your purchases and gifts are stored in a convent wallet, ensuring it is always accessible. Discover the simplicity and satisfaction of giving a ThinkGeek Physical Gift Card gift card today!

    How to buy ThinkGeek Physical Gift Cards with SVS?

    1. Go to or type "ThinkGeek Physical Gift Card" into the gift card catalog search bar.
    2. Choose to buy ThinkGeek Physical Gift Cards for yourself or send as a gift with a personal message, photo or video. Choose an e-greeting card design and schedule the delivery date and time for email or text.
    3. Pay for ThinkGeek Physical Gift Cards.

    ThinkGeek Frequently Asked Questions